
First Communion 2022

Next weekend : Ava Begley, Shane Bookle, Ryan Brannigan, Dara Brennan, Chloe Brennan, Joshua Brennan Burke, Jamie Kelly, Elsie Byrne, Mason Cahill, Eoin Coffey, Amelia Coleman, Annie…

Believing in people:

It can happen that we lose interest in people
And even become blind to their strengths when we discover their limitations.
During His Passion Jesus discovered the limitations of Peter.
Yet He didn’t write him off.
He continued to believe in him and in time he came good.

Counselling Services:

Towards Healing Confidential Helpline
1800 313 316
Towards Peace Spiritual Support Service
01 505 3028

Safeguarding Concerns:

If you have a child safeguarding concern or wish to raise a matter from the past you may contact any of the following: Diocesan Designated Persons :

Joe Dunphy is retiring!!

For nigh on 40 years Joe has looked after the rota for readers of the Word of God in our Parish Church and is retiring. Thank you,…

‘The Field’

‘The Field’, John B. Keane’s famous play, will be performed at our Community Hall on Saturday 7th May at 8pm. The cost is €10, at the door.…

Third Age Charity’s ‘Failte Isteach’

Third Age Charity’s ‘Failte Isteach’ service is available to facilitate, in an informal setting, improved English language skills for refugees. This service is free and run by local volunteers. For further information available at

The Men’s Rosary :

Will take place next Saturday at the statue of Our Lady at James’ Green in Kilkenny – near the Cathedral. For further information contact Ron at 086…

Thomastown Parish Pastoral Council

Will meet on Wednesday at 7.30pm.

Thank You

Thanks – for your contributions to Trocaire, and thanks too to all who brought foreign currency to Church. That will be forwarded to help the People of…