
Some dates for your diary:

Do this in Memory, the Parish preparation for First Confession and Communion, begins with an Enrolment Ceremony at 10.30am Mass on Sunday 20th October.

First Communion will take place on Saturday 10th May 2025.

The Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place Monday 19th May to Saturday 24th May 2025.


St Michael’s Prayer Group will have their monthly Holy Hour of Exposition in the Mercy Chapel, Thomastown Parish Church, on Tuesday, 1st October, from 8.00-9.00pm.  Everyone is welcome and bring a friend.


Friday is the First Friday, and Communion will be brought to the homebound. If you are not on our list, please…

First Communions 2025.  Parents of children who commit to First Communion in 2025 are asked to attend a talk at the National School on Monday at 7pm. Ms. Maeve Mahon will speak about the Sacrament and these important weeks leading to First Communion and First Confession.

First Friday visits will take place on Thursday and Friday.

Godly Play Camp for Primary School Children Join us for a morning of storytelling, wondering, creating and a real feast! This camp is suitable for children of primary school age and is led by parents of young children trained in this work.  St Kieran’s College Saturday August 31st 10am-12.30pm. Places are limited. To book please call…

St Michael’s Prayer Group will have their monthly Holy Hour of Exposition in the Mercy Chapel, off the main altar, Thomastown Parish Church, on Tuesday, 6th August, Feast of the Transfiguration, from 8.00-9.00pm.  Everyone is welcome to attend.



Our annual Cemetery Mass will be celebrated at St. Mary’s Cemetery on Friday 2nd August at 7.30pm. Thank you for taking good care of your family grave. As you prepare the grave for the Cemetery Mass you may notice graves that are unattended, and you might consider tidying them up also….. please.


The First…

Parish Adoration in thanksgiving and for the needs of our Parish will take place in the Main Church on Monday evening from 6.30pm-7.30pm instead of Wednesday morning. All welcome.


St Michael’s Prayer Group will have their monthly Holy Hour of Exposition in the Mercy Chapel, off the main altar, Thomastown Parish Church, on Tuesday,…

School Mass: we will be joined by the girls, boys and staff of the National School on Wednesday as they thank God for the school year that is concluding and say farewell to the girls and boys moving on to continue their education in second level schools.


The annual Collection for the Holy Father…

Friday is the First Friday of June, so Sister Anna and Fr. Dan will bring

Communion to the homebound on Friday. If not among those we call to monthly and

you would like to receive Communion at home, please let us know.


Baptism Mass – we invite the families of children baptised in 2023…