Place 3 candles of one colour on a tray or wreath almost making a circle and then put one candle of a different colour to complete the circle. Traditionally these are 3 purple and one rose but work with what you have. Put a white candle in the centre for Christ’s light to be lit on Christmas Day. Light the candles, an extra one each week, during a time for prayer. On each Sunday at the Parish Mass we can all light our candles. So even if we can’t all be in the church together, we can join in our homes in this special way and have a blessed Advent as we prepare for Christ’s coming.
The Priory Institute in Tallaght are taking registrations now for an Advent Retreat. It’s a series of filmed reflections on the Sunday gospel readings of Advent. The cost of the retreat is €40, and registration closes on Friday week, November 27. Maybe it’s a sign of the times but it seems people are interested in looking at the ‘big’ questions especially coming up to this very unusual Christmas. The link is

Reflecting on the Sunday Gospels of Advent: 2020 Advent Retreat | The Priory Institute
Reflecting on the Sunday Gospels of A