Do this in Memory Mass
Next Sunday, 12th February, we hold our next Do this in Memory Mass with the children preparing for First Communion and their families.
Next Sunday, 12th February, we hold our next Do this in Memory Mass with the children preparing for First Communion and their families.
St. Mary’s National School will cease accepting applications for admission to Junior Infants on Tuesday, 31st January. The number of places being made available in Junior Infants is 56.
The First Friday Fr. Dan and Sister Anna will bring Communion this week to the people on the ‘regular’ list. If we haven’t been calling to you and you, a family member, or neighbour would like to receive Communion at home, please contact Fr. Dan at 0876644858, or the Office on Tuesday – 7793191.
Baptised into the Family of God recently: Michael David Waugh McCarthy; Fabio Stanley Brophy; James Joseph Heafey; Sonny John Hosback; Bonnie Anne Hosback; Olly Martin Falsey.
Mass on Sunday will be celebrated with the girls and boys preparing for First Communion and their families.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society will hold Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday at 7.30pm for Vocations to Priesthood and Religious Life in the Mercy Chapel. All welcome.
Do this in Memory: the children for First Communion in 2023 and their families join us next Sunday for Mass. As we invite them more fully to be part of the Sacramental system of our Church, let’s support them by our example and prayers.
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Collection next weekend:Please give generously,…
Advent 2022: Check for a range of very usable materials for the Advent season, such as Sundays of Advent Booklet, A thought for Each Day Booklet, Godly Plays for Advent, much of which can be downloaded on the website.
Advent: The ‘coming of the Son of Man’ can be applied to the…
Christmas Mass Cards: a gift for your loved ones and friends at Christmas – a share in a Triduum of Masses. Cards are available at the Parish Office, or at the Church after weekend Masses.
The First Friday Fr. Dan and Sister Anna will bring Communion this week to the people on the ‘regular’ list. If we haven’t been calling to you and you, a family member, or neighbour would like to receive Communion at home, please contact Fr. Dan at 0876644858, or the Office on Tuesday or Friday –…
This weekend we celebrate Safeguarding Sunday where we remind our communities and parish personnel that inclusion and protection of children and vulnerable people is at the heart of the Christian message. Safeguarding in our parish could not happen without the commitment and work of those who take on responsibilities for children’s activities and create opportunities for…