
St. Vincent de Paul Society.

The telephone number of the Thomastown St. Vincent de Paul Society is 086 2664669 for anyone who wishes to contact the Society.
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St. Elizabeth Convent Belarus:

St. Elizabeth Convent is situated in Minsk in the country of Belarus – next door to Russia, and featuring in the news these days.. The Russian Orthodox…

Retired Priests’ collection:

Each year at this time we hold, throughout the Diocese, a collection to support funds for retired priests. This collection will be held next weekend.

November offerings:

Thank you to all who forwarded contributions to the November offerings. If you haven’t got round to it yet, please don’t forget.

November Masses for those who died since last November and for all the dead:

The fourth of our November Friday Masses for the Dead will be held on Friday, when we remember specially those who died during August, September, October and November. Thanks for the photographs of the deceased, and thanks to Bernie Dempsey and Sister Bernadette for organising the collection and presentation of the photographs. The photographs will…

Retired Nurses Association of Ireland:

Mass for retired & deceased nurses will be celebrated in St. Fiacre’s Church, Loughboy on Thursday 18th November 2021 at 10.30am. A collection for Carlow Kilkenny Homecare…

Safeguarding Sunday:

As a constituent member of the Catholic Church in Ireland, we recognise and uphold the dignity and rights of all children, are committed to ensuring their safety and…

This year’s Carol Service is on the 21st December

For this year’s Carol Service on 21st Dec, we have a very special choir participating which will be made up of local frontline workers. We already have…

COVID-19 hasn’t gone away

By the numbers we hear each day, we appreciate that COVID-19 hasn’t gone away. We will need to continue to monitor the ongoing risk from the disease…

The Friends of Calcutta/ Missions/ Trocaire Collections – Thank you

The Friends of Calcutta express their appreciation of your generosity with their recent Clothes Collection. The Friends run schools in Calcutta, among the most dis-advantaged people. Read all…