
Reflection for Young People

What are the big questions for you? Who creates a space for you to explore your questions? Do you expect them to have all the…

First Communion / Confirmation in Thomastown in 2022

As for 2020 and 2021, it is difficult to plan for anything. However, we propose that First Communions will be held in this parish Saturday May 14th,…

Masses at Christmas

Christmas Eve: Mass at 17.00 hours and 20.00 hours.
Christmas Day: Mass at 10.00 and 11.30 hours.
St. Stephen’s Day: Mass at 10.00 and 11.30…

St. Joseph’s Young Priest’s Society

St. Joseph’s Young Priest’s Society will hold Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday from 7pm to 8pm for Vocations to Priesthood and religious life: All welcome.

Christmas Mass Cards

Christmas Mass Cards – offering a remembrance at three Christmas Masses are available at the Sacristy or the Parish Office.

Charity 3 Forms:

As we approach the end of 2021, we would be grateful if you could return your signed Chy3 form. If you do not qualify, please sign the…

Advent in Thomastown:

An evening prayer will be held each Sunday at 5pm.
A triduum in preparation for Christmas will be held 20/21/22nd December.
To facilitate people who…

St Mary’s Cathedral Book and Gift Shop

St Mary’s Cathedral Book and Gift Shop specialises in products that stress the celebration of the religious beliefs of Christmas. Christmas cards, mass cards, Christmas decorations, books…


Lord may I work with you in a spirit of trust, together building a vision for my life .
Open the doors of my…

A message for young people

A message for young people Vocations Ossory are holding a series of Zoom Meetings for young people who wish to explore questions about life and faith on…