
His reputation spread throughout Galilee

+ The people of Nazareth could not accept that this local boy had something to teach them. Fixed ideas about people can at times block us from…

Parish Newsletter by email…

Parish Newsletter by email… Please drop an email request to if you are interested. Otherwise, you can find it on the website.

Anam Cara

Anam Cara Waterford is launching a monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Tuesday 8th February at 7:20pm in the Woodlands Hotel, Waterford. This event is free…

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

An eight-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land takes place from 16th to 24th February 2022. Led by Fr. John Carroll (Ferns Diocese), there are still a small…

Thomastown Parish Senior Citizens Association

Thomastown Parish Senior Citizens Association 22nd Annual Holiday will be at Sligo Park Hotel, Pearse Road, Sligo from 21st May to 27th May. B&B plus evening meal,…

Thomastown Parish Senior Citizens Association:

The shop reopens Thursday 3rd February and will be open every Thursday and Friday 9.30am to 2.30pm.

Parish Envelopes

Parish Envelopes are being distributed these days. Apologies for the late delivery, a month into the new year. Thank you to the people who deliver them in…

Covid 19

We are reminded that Covid hasn’t gone away. Nephet’s advice to Government has been that the health system and society can ‘manage’ it. We must continue to…

Wednesday, 2nd February, is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord.

Candles are blessed at Mass that day and will be available in Church afterwards.
Thursday is the Feast of St. Blaise. A physician before he became…


O Gold of abundant giving, the enormous amount of new wine is an indication of the multitude of your blessings.
O God of the wedding, you reach down to embrace us in intimate love. As you let your glory be seen and the disciples believed in you, may we never lack signs of…