
Give peace a chance:

Give peace a chance: A socio-drama for Peace, Healing & Hope: Come and see this creative approach in action while helping to raise funds for Irish Red Cross Ukranian
Appeal on Saturday April 9TH 2pm to 4.30pm at Thomastown Community Centre. Masks encouraged but not mandatory.

Clothes Collection supporting Friends of Calcutta:

(CHY No: 13218) on Thursday 31st March. All items of clothing, footwear, curtains etc most welcome and can be left at any stage that day in the…

First Friday :

Fr. Dan and Sister Anna will bring Communion this week to the people on the ‘regular’ list, though with two weddings on Friday Fr. Dan will contact…

Safeguarding Concerns

If you have a child safeguarding concern or wish to raise a matter from the past you may contact any of the following: Diocesan Designated Persons


CAN YOU DONATE TO HELP FAMILIES IN NEED? SATURDAY MARCH 26TH 1pm- 3pm Kilkenny Presbyterian Church Car Park, 16 New Road Can you help us to gather much…

Kilkenny MABS

Kilkenny MABS South Leinster Money Advice & Budgeting Service offers Free, Independent and Confidential Money Management and Advice Service Assisting people in dealing with their existing debts,…


Awareness of the divine begins with wonder. Moses was filled with wonder at the sight of a bush on fire which wasn’t consumed by that fire. However,…

Happy St. Patrick’s Day 2022

‘An unquenchable longing’

All of us can experience moments of great joy because in His goodness God allows us to taste on earth the joys of the world to come. However, moments of joy, no matter how wonderful, will never satisfy the human heart. What we long for is a permanent state of happiness but that is unattainable…

Dates of Passover & Easter:

At the council of Nicaea in 325, the date for Easter was fixed as the Sunday after the full moon after the spring equinox. Sunday April 17th…