Happy New Year!! As you can see from above, 2019 sets out with a bang. We will all be super-fit! I wish you every blessing as we conclude the 12 Days of Christmas, and all good wishes for 2019.
Please God into 2019 we will not only be fit but also recognize the ways we are blest by God and in turn be a blessing for our families, friends, neighbours and the wider parish. On this feast of the Epiphany, we each ought to be a gift to others. 2019 will be a challenging year in the Diocese as Bishop Farrell seeks to lead us in changing times.
I take this opportunity to say ‘thank you’ to all who have played a part in making life better for others during 2018. Thanks for proving yourself a good neighbour. Think of the great variety of individuals, institutions and organisations throughout the Parish. I think of the various Church groups, the Sisters living among us, the Parish Council, where Sarah Rice steps down as Chairperson with Bernie Dempsey succeeding her, and of the Parish Finance Committee, whose Chairperson is Fionnula Taylor, succeeding Joe Doyle, who likewise guided the group for a few years. I think too of the Vincent de Paul Society, and many more. Thanks too to the staff and Board of Management of our Parish School. Thanks to all who serve in our Churches – sacristans, choirs, musicians, servers, collectors, readers, Eucharistic ministers, children’s liturgy leaders, ‘do this in memory’ leaders, and ‘You shall be my witnesses’ leaders, co-ordinators of adoration at the Mercy Chapel, cleaners, florists, and many more. Thanks to envelope distributors and money counters. Thanks to the Community Scheme workers at the Church grounds and Cemetery and to Paddy Daly who looks after the shrubs at the Church.. We’ve been blest having Mgr. Jim Cassin live among us, and Fr. Tom Norris on his breaks from Rome. Thanks to Anne, and to Deirdre who resumes work this week at the Parish Office. The mind travels to sports and culture, not forgetting the Community Centre. You all make a difference.
Thank you!!
I remember you in my prayers. One of my duties as Parish Priest is to offer Mass for all the people
of the parish each weekend – that’s you!
Fr. Dan Bollard.
Happy New Year!!
Published on January 8, 2019