Several Parishes throughout the Diocese – and Country – hadn’t had the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation before the nation shut down in midMarch. With the next phase of easing restrictions coming August 10th Bishop Farrell has invited those Parishes, including Thomastown to plan the celebration of the Sacrament from mid August onwards. Bishop Farrell will make himself available, and otherwise delegate the conferral of the Sacrament to the Parish Priest. Sixth Class 2019 – 2020 young people have been invited to express their interest in receiving the Sacrament. With restricted numbers, the current plan is to hold two ceremonies, based around the two Sixth Classes of last year, on Saturday 29th August. The young people have been contacted about this by the School and will be prepared for the reception of the Sacrament.

Confirmation 2020:
Published on July 28, 2020