Thank you for contributions to the weekly envelope collection, which goes to support the Parish projects, to the Easter Collection, which is for the support of the priests, and to the Trocaire collection. Your support is always appreciated and needed.
Please leave your contributions into the Parish Office. You may find it more convenient if you set up an account transfer using the following information: Account name: Thomastown Church Parochial Current Account. BIC: BOFIIE2D. IBAN: IE39 BOFI 9060 9911 7117 80. For Easter Offerings use the following information: Account name: Thomastown Church Parochial Clergy Fund Account. BIC: BOFIIE2D. IBAN: IE50 BOFI 9060 9932 7313 85. Please include your name under ‘narrative’ or ‘reference’, and we will assign address for our records.

Weekly Envelope Collection
Published on April 25, 2020