
Our Lady of Zarvanytsia :

In 1240 Kyiv was being attacked by invaders. Some monks fled to the west of Ukraine. One of them, exhausted and traumatised, slept at a place called Zarvanytsia, and in his sleep saw and was given an icon of Our Lady. There was a church built on the site and it became a place of…

The Donate Button

The Donate Button on the Parish website on the Home Page can also be used to make other financial contributions to the Parish. Check it out

Easter Offerings:

Thanks to all who have made contributions to the Easter Offerings and to the Weekly collections. The Easter Offerings, taken up in the parishes of the Diocese,…


Don’t forget to return your contributions for Trocaire asap, please. Bring them to Mass, outside Mass put them into the letter box at the Sacristy, leave them…

Foreign coins:

Foreign coins often turn up on our collection plates, and we all have them from our visits to the US or UK or other places where they…

Sisters of St. John of God

A Spirituality of our Times


This Conference will be on 14th May 2022

Venue:  St. Patricks Parish Centre, Loughboy, Kilkenny

The speaker: Jane Mellett

Times: 10.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.

Cost:  €10 (bring your own lunch, tea/coffee provided) pay on the door

Booking essential: Contact Sara or Catherina @ 056 7722870 9.00…

Care of the Elderly

Affordable Live-in Homecare provides live-in carers for the elderly in your area. If you are looking for a live-in carer for your relative, please call Eileen or Tom today on 087 991 6791 or 087 744 0729. Our website is

Our service enables elderly people to continue on living in their own home and in…

A clear theme runs through all three Readings: God’s mercy to sinners.

In the first Reading we have the beautiful words God spoke to his people: ‘I have taken the shame of Egypt away from you’. The shame of sin and the darkness of slavery are behind them. The years of wandering in the desert are over; they have come home to the promised Land. A…

Collection for Ukraine :

Bishop Nulty asks each parish to hold a collection for Ukraine this weekend. As people were very generous in supporting the ‘Songs for Peace’ event on 16th…

St. Mary’s Cathedral’s new altar and sanctuary area.

St. Mary’s Cathedral’s new altar and sanctuary area will be consecrated this Sunday at the 5.30pm Mass. Be sure to visit it next time you are in…