
Receive the Holy Spirit

The natural thing to do when we feel anxious or threatened is to hunker down and lock the doors, to become focused on our own security rather than the risky mission to which we are called. The promise of this text is that Jesus cannot be stopped by our locked doors. Jesus comes to us…

Rosary at the Grottos :

The Rosary will be prayed each day during the month of May at hundreds of grottos around the Island of Ireland. To see a list of locations, or to register a grotto (or other suitable location) simply visit

Live-in Homecare

Affordable Live-in Homecare provides live-in carers for the elderly in your area. If you are looking for a live-in carer for your relative, please call Eileen or Tom…

A Spirituality of our Times: Sisters of St. John of God.

This Conference will be on 14th May 2022.Venue: St. Patrick’s Parish Centre, Loughboy, Kilkenny. The speaker is Jane Mellett.
Times: 10.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. Costing…

‘Darkness into Light’

Inistioge will host a ‘Darkness into Light’ walk on Saturday May 7th, 2022. Each year the walk provides an opportunity for people to connect with their local…

Schools re-open after the Easter break.

This is like the last lap of a race. Having started well in September, and continued after Christmas, we wish the girls and boys, and the staff…

Annual Remembrance Ceremony

St Luke’s Hospital will be holding it’s the annual remembrance ceremony for families who have been bereaved by the death of their child through miscarriage, still-birth, in…

Foreign coins

Foreign coins, and sometimes notes, turn up on our collection plates, and we all have them from our visits to the US or UK or other places…

St Vincent de Paul Collection

St Vincent de Paul Collection takes place next weekend.

A Spirituality of our Times:

This Conference will be on 14th May 2022
Venue: St. Patricks Parish Centre, Loughboy, Kilkenny
The speaker: Jane Mellett
Times: 10.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.
Cost: €10 (bring your own lunch, tea/coffee provided)