Measures to counter rapidly rising infections

Published on December 23, 2020

Fr. Dan, with the advice of the Parish Pastoral Council, has decided that from today, Wednesday 23rd December, Masses and other Church services in the Parish of Thomastown will be available online, at   and on 108fm.

The Parish Church will continue to be open for private prayer each day.

The reason for this decision is because of the high rate of Covid-19 in the County. Whereas we had planned our Christmas Masses over four days, current regulations reduce that to two. The stewards in Church would take care of safety in the Church for Masses. However, we have a concern that people who would gather outside the Church for Masses would have difficulty observing social distancing regulations.

We consider that this is the best decision for the Parish. We strongly invite parishioners and visitors to join us for Masses. Those Masses will be held at the times arranged already, with Masses on Christmas eve at 5pm and 7.30pm, on Christmas day at 10am and midday, on Saturday at 10am and 6pm, and on Sunday at 10am and midday.

This is an opportunity to really celebrate the Birthday of Jesus in the domestic setting, at home. We have no doubt that this will be a source of great blessing on families.

So, Happy Christmas to each and every one. As Jesus was born into the human family, please God he will find a warm welcome in your family home.

Celebrating while distanced, we look forward to the time when we will gather again in Church, the place where God’s people comes together.