Christmas Eve: Mass at 17.00 hours and 20.00 hours.
Christmas Day: Mass at 10.00 and 11.30 hours.
St. Stephen’s Day: Mass at 10.00 and 11.30 hours.
As we have discovered over nearly two years, all arrangements are provisional, depending on advice in these Covid times. We ask people who have Covid symptoms or underlying health issues to join us on webcam or 108fm. Government advises that for Masses and other Church services half the numbers be admitted. The stewards will advise that if numbers exceed half the Church capacity, then join us outside, or in your cars on webcam or radio. Communion will be administered at the Church steps for those who cannot join us in Church.
Please continue to play your part to keep COVID-19 at a distance. We will all need to take steps individually and collectively in our everyday lives to keep this risk under control, in particular by
– acting fast, isolating and getting tested if we have symptoms;
– wearing our face coverings where appropriate;
– making sure that indoor spaces are well ventilated;
– maintaining adequate social distancing whenever appropriate &
– covering our coughs and sneezes and
– keeping our hands clean by using sanitizers.