You will appreciate that it is very difficult to schedule First Penance, First Communions and Confirmation during the current pandemic as numbers gathered in Church are restricted.
Currently the plan is to have First Communions on Saturday 29th May and Saturday 12th June, with two Masses each day so that numbers are kept low.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is scheduled for Friday 18th June, with four sessions that day. The teachers will organise the schedules.
Whereas it is possible to control the numbers in the Church, a real concern is the gathering afterwards. Parents / guardians are reminded that there will be restrictions regarding people gathering in homes, so it will be vitally important to observe those restrictions also. A positive consideration is that we are forced to strip down the occasions to their essentials and will have to put aside some of the unnecessary trimmings that have become part of the day. Do please remember that the dates will depend on how we are all doing to manage the virus. We may have to decide to change the dates if circumstances are unfavourable.