Georgie Rose Begley, Konnie Begley,Ojars Bluzma, Liv Caffrey, Gracie Cassin, Ellen Davis, Emma Dollard, Aaron Doyle, Noah Doyle, Rachel Dunne, Lara Fargie, Adam Fitzgerald, Aadison Gibbons, Faye Gleeson Byrne, Alana Grace, Seán Hoyne, Freddy Kavanagh, Julia Kedra, Seán Kennedy, Cian Lanigan, Daniel Loughman, Mia Magnez, Sophia McDonagh Rharade, Mary Ann Meegan, Jack Moran, Dylan Murphy, Kobi Nolan, Hollie O’Neill, Martha O’Shea, Noah Pearson, Aaron Phelan, Carter Rigby, Alison Ryan, Charlotte Ryan, Polly Jean Shanahan, Sadie Smyth, Sophie Somers, James Tierney, Borys Tylicki, Oisín Walsh, Bernard Ward, Lara Webster, Saoirse Wemyss.
Congratulations to the girls and boys who will receive First Communion over the next few weeks, some Saturday 11th, and the others on Saturday 25th. Wonderful, as numbers are permitted to increase at Masses that these children will have full access to the table of the Lord.