Accord establishes support phone line to help relationships during COVID 19: To help support marriage and relationships in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, Accord has established a new relationship support phone line which will be staffed by experienced couples and relationships counsellors. This will be a free service, but calls are charged at a local rate. Accord’s specialist in counselling (marriage and relationships), Mary Johnston said, “Accord is very conscious of those experiencing difficulties in their relationships and family lives as we are confined to home during this unprecedented period for all in society. The circumstances in which we are living now can increase stress and pressure on relationships and in families. To help address these challenges, Accord has established a relationship support phone line to enable callers to speak to experienced couples and relationship counsellors in order to talk through the difficulties they are experiencing”.
The support line is open from 9.00am – 8.00pm Monday to Friday and can be contacted at 015313331.

Published on April 21, 2020